Narconon International Drug Rehab and Education Services

Effectiveness of the Narconon® Drug Prevention Program

Narconon staff have provided drug education to over 1.5 million children and adults around the world. Following our presentations, each student is given a questionnaire to help us to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. These surveys provide vital information that is used to enhance, update and increase the effectiveness of our presentations. We have collected literally tens of thousands of these worldwide.

Our success in reaching students is measured by the question; "Did your thoughts about using drugs change after hearing our presentation?" To date, we have received an overall 95% positive response to the program. 40% reported an increased perception of risk. 45% said their decision not to use drugs had been reinforced after hearing the talk. Over 90% felt they knew more about drugs after the talk.

An independent study of the Narconon Drug Education program conducted by FASE (Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education) in Los Angeles concluded: "Changes in those who had indicated that they might use drugs were quite pronounced. Responses clearly indicated a heightened awareness of the adverse effects caused by drug abuse. Comments indicating that they would now never use drugs were common."

What Kids Say....

The Narconon program changes kids minds about using drugs. The simplest demonstration of the success of the Narconon program is to hear it from the students themselves. The following are just a few responses following a Narconon presentation:

"Yes, They did cause I thought about trying pot out of curiosity but, now I'm afraid cause of how it will harm you. There's no point."

"I thought it was good that he told us the story about LSD because I thought it was a safe drug. I also learned how harmful weed was I thought that was harmless".

"My thoughts about drugs had changed. I used to think drugs were cool. I thought since everybody does it I should do it too. Now I realize that drugs are bad."

What Educators Say...

"I, personally, was very moved by the presentation. I also learned new information along with our students. I believe, after hearing the presentation myself, that this program can truly save lives as well as help people make decisions that will lead them towards productive lives." - School Principal

"Often children are misinformed about the painful effects of alcohol and drug use or abuse. The Narconon presenter was able to clear up the myths and misunderstandings about substance use and abuse. In addition to his charismatic teaching approach, his willingness to share his own struggle with substance abuse encouraged our students to actively listen and learn from his presentation." - School Counselor